Janod Crazy Doggy Cart Walking Toy

With a red and blue surface and the super cute doggy-design makes the Janod Crazy Doggy Cart Walking Toy arguably the most adorable walking toy on the market. Are you or your baby dogs’ lovers? The toy comes in a smiley dog-like design. Its beautiful design will make  your baby fall in love with it and want to have it most of the time. It has a cart where your baby can put their stuff and carry them around. Do you get disturbed by creaking noises? You’ll not have to deal with it when you get the Janod Crazy Doggy Cart Walking Toy. Its wheels have rubber seals, which makes it easy to control and doesn’t make any unnecessary noises.

The walker has a bell that rings when the walker is moved, encouraging your toddler to keep on moving. The walker is sturdy and lightweight. Your baby won’t struggle to move around with it.

If you’re afraid that your little one might fall mover as a result of over speeding, you can place something heavy on the cart. This makes the walker heavy, forcing your baby to operate it at a slower pace. Even when they get older, they can still use the walker up to the age of four. They’ll always have something to carry their toys.


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